
Showing posts from 2024

Donald Trump and the Last Secrets of the Third Reich

Most recently I had a chance to watch all episodes of *Last Secrets of the Third Reich* by Tim Versteegen on Amazon Prime Video. I was truly shocked to see that the similitude between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler, the Führer in Nazi Germany, is not only ideological and political. They are unbelievably identical in their lifestyle too: - Hitler was particularly *attracted* by the teenage girl; - Hitler was a *tax evader* so at a certain point established for himself a legal status of *tax exemption* after that he never paid any income tax until his demise in the bunker; - Hitler loved a lavish life and used the taxpayer's money to conduct his luxurious life; - Hitler took care of his henchmen by providing them with money and legal and material advantages and amenities; - Hitler loved and fully practiced Crony Capitalism and nepotism. Watch the series and learn more about how these two individuals are strikingly similar in all aspects of life.