Cryptosphere: Regulatory Framework and Risk Management

Regulatory and risk issues related to cryptocurrency field can't be efficiently and with relatively high confidence resolved within the existing nation-state jurisdictions nor can the current international organizations' configuration handle such a new and highly complex fintech field. 
We can put together the best regulatory and risk management frameworks but without having any real possibility to enforce them, we are simply stuck. Any way out of this complicated cul de sac?
Here is the simple rule of thumb: When and where we can't deploy uniformed agents we have to create and put to work AI agents with the right toolset. In other words, the only reasonable possibility of solutions could be thought out and pursued through the advanced technology implementation and deployment. The two basic components of such a technical resolution are respectively 
(a) Smart Contracts 
(b) Swarm Intelligence. 
We still do not have companies focusing specifically on developing such solutions but that is only a matter of time before we witness a new line of startup activity trying to address the regulatory issues in the cryptosphere.


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